-The period of manufacture and delivery will be subject to the feedstock availability, on the materials chosen. Consult..
-Transport is from Factory in Caravaca de la Cruz (Murcia).
-The customer is responsible for the permit and availability of access of the agency's trucks.
-The transportation agency has a cargo insurance. Your order traveling on their own and risk, at the download, must notify any defect or breakage, even take pictures at the time of delivery. No accept claims after delivery, by the transport company. Our company will be responsible any, in measures incidence of greater than + /- 3 mm or wrong treatment on surface or poorly finished edges. No response to complaints after installation. - if its neccesary replace material, for the reasons stated, the customer is obliged to return them, to our own factory for verification and accuracy. If after checking, we verified has not error made in cutting or application treatment, your item will available at our factory. Factory, will send item and transport free in case to be certain and admit your claims. No accept returns material, after the order confirmation .